createAuthClient static method

Future<AuthClient> createAuthClient({
  1. required List<String> scopes,
  2. String? pathToServiceAccountJson,

Creates an auth client for the google cloud environment.

If pathToServiceAccountJson is provided, the client is created with the service account credentials. Else the client is created with the application default credentials (e.g. from environment variables)

The scopes need to be set, to the services you want to use. E.g. FirestoreApi.datastoreScope.


static Future<AuthClient> createAuthClient(
    {required List<String> scopes, String? pathToServiceAccountJson}) async {
  if (pathToServiceAccountJson == null) {
    return await clientViaApplicationDefaultCredentials(scopes: scopes);
  } else {
    final serviceAccountJson =
        jsonDecode(await File(pathToServiceAccountJson).readAsString());

    final accountCredentials =

    return await clientViaServiceAccount(accountCredentials, scopes);