argParser property

  1. @override
ArgParser argParser


ArgParser get argParser => ArgParser()
  ..addSeparator('Usage: yuro build $name [arguments]')
  ..addSeparator('Global arguments:')
  ..addFlag('help', abbr: 'h', help: 'Print this usage information.', defaultsTo: false)
  ..addSeparator('Available arguments:')
  ..addOption('target=<path>', abbr: 't', help: '''
  The main entry-point file of the application, as run on the device.
  If the "--target" option is omitted, but a file name is provided on the command line, then that is used instead.
  (defaults to "lib\\main.dart")
  ..addOption('flavor', abbr: 'f', help: '''
  Build a custom app flavor as defined by platform-specific build setup.
  Supports the use of product flavors in Android Gradle scripts, and the use of custom Xcode schemes.