YoutubeInsertSubscriptionsCommand constructor



YoutubeInsertSubscriptionsCommand() {
        defaultsTo: 'snippet',
            '''The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more subscription resource properties that the API response will include.

If the parameter identifies a property that contains child properties, the child properties will be included in the response. For example, in a subscription resource, the snippet property contains other properties, such as a display title for the subscription. If you set part=snippet, the API response will also contain all of those nested properties.

The following list contains the part names that you can include in the parameter value:
- contentDetails
- id
- snippet
- subscriberSnippet''')
        defaultsTo: 'youtube#channel',
        valueHelp: 'string',
        help: 'The type of the API resource.')
        mandatory: true,
        valueHelp: 'string',
            'The value that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel that the user subscribed to.');