list method

Future<SearchListResponse> list({
  1. String part = 'snippet',
  2. List<String> partList = const [],
  3. String? channelId,
  4. String? channelType,
  5. String? eventType,
  6. bool? forContentOwner,
  7. bool? forDeveloper,
  8. bool? forMine,
  9. String? location,
  10. String? locationRadius,
  11. int? maxResults,
  12. String? onBehalfOfContentOwner,
  13. String? order,
  14. String? pageToken,
  15. String? publishedAfter,
  16. String? publishedBefore,
  17. String? q,
  18. String? regionCode,
  19. String? relevanceLanguage,
  20. String? safeSearch,
  21. String? topicId,
  22. String? type,
  23. String? videoCaption,
  24. String? videoCategoryId,
  25. String? videoDefinition,
  26. String? videoDimension,
  27. String? videoDuration,
  28. String? videoEmbeddable,
  29. String? videoLicense,
  30. String? videoSyndicated,
  31. String? videoType,

Returns a collection of search results that match the query parameters specified in the API request. By default, a search result set identifies matching video, channel, and Playlist resources, but you can also configure queries to only retrieve a specific type of resource.


Future<SearchListResponse> list(
    {String part = 'snippet',
    List<String> partList = const [],
    String? channelId,
    String? channelType,
    String? eventType,
    bool? forContentOwner,
    bool? forDeveloper,
    bool? forMine,
    String? location,
    String? locationRadius,
    int? maxResults,
    String? onBehalfOfContentOwner,
    String? order,
    String? pageToken,
    String? publishedAfter,
    String? publishedBefore,
    String? q,
    String? regionCode,
    String? relevanceLanguage,
    String? safeSearch,
    String? topicId,
    String? type,
    String? videoCaption,
    String? videoCategoryId,
    String? videoDefinition,
    String? videoDimension,
    String? videoDuration,
    String? videoEmbeddable,
    String? videoLicense,
    String? videoSyndicated,
    String? videoType}) async {
  return _rest.list(
    buildParts(partList, part),
    channelId: channelId,
    channelType: channelType,
    eventType: eventType,
    forContentOwner: forContentOwner,
    forDeveloper: forDeveloper,
    forMine: forMine,
    location: location,
    locationRadius: locationRadius,
    maxResults: maxResults,
    onBehalfOfContentOwner: onBehalfOfContentOwner,
    order: order,
    pageToken: pageToken,
    publishedAfter: publishedAfter,
    publishedBefore: publishedBefore,
    q: q,
    regionCode: regionCode,
    relevanceLanguage: relevanceLanguage,
    safeSearch: safeSearch,
    topicId: topicId,
    type: type,
    videoCaption: videoCaption,
    videoCategoryId: videoCategoryId,
    videoDefinition: videoDefinition,
    videoDimension: videoDimension,
    videoDuration: videoDuration,
    videoEmbeddable: videoEmbeddable,
    videoLicense: videoLicense,
    videoSyndicated: videoSyndicated,
    videoType: videoType,