initCache static method

void initCache([
  1. CachePolicy? cachePolicy


static void initCache([CachePolicy? cachePolicy]) {
  if (cachePolicy == null) return;

  // Add cache interceptor with global/default options
      options: CacheOptions(
        // A default store is required for interceptor.
        store: MemCacheStore(),

        // All subsequent fields are optional.

        // Default.
        policy: cachePolicy,
        // Returns a cached response on error but for statuses 401 & 403.
        // Also allows to return a cached response on network errors (e.g. offline usage).
        // Defaults to [null].
        hitCacheOnErrorExcept: [401, 403],
        // Overrides any HTTP directive to delete entry past this duration.
        // Useful only when origin server has no cache config or custom behaviour is desired.
        // Defaults to [null].
        maxStale: const Duration(days: 7),
        // Default. Allows 3 cache sets and ease cleanup.
        priority: CachePriority.normal,
        // Default. Body and headers encryption with your own algorithm.
        cipher: null,
        // Default. Key builder to retrieve requests.
        keyBuilder: CacheOptions.defaultCacheKeyBuilder,
        // Default. Allows to cache POST requests.
        // Overriding [keyBuilder] is strongly recommended when [true].
        allowPostMethod: false,