
Official flutter plugin to support the latest Yodo1 MAS SDK. For platform specific configuration, please view the documentation below:


This plugin supports all new ad types and features supported by Yodo1 MAS SDK, sticking to flutter best practices.

Ad Type Support Plugin Constant Example
App Open Ads Yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.adTypeAppOpen Link
Interstitial Ads Yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.adTypeInterstitial Link
Rewarded Ads Yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.adTypeRewarded Link
Banner Ads 🔨
Native Ads 🔨


To initialize the plugin, you need to call the initSdk method with your app key and listener methods. Here’s an example of how to do this:

// Initialize plugin variable
final _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin = Yodo1MasFlutterPlugin();

// Initialize plugin
void initState() {
     * Initialize MAS SDK with the parameters
     * appKey - Your appKey from MAS Dashboard
     * privacy (bool) - Whether to use MAS privacy dialog or your own
     * ccpa (bool) - See https://developers.yodo1.com/docs/sdk/getting_started/legal/ccpa
     * coppa (bool) - See https://developers.yodo1.com/docs/sdk/getting_started/legal/coppa
     * gdpr (bool) - See https://developers.yodo1.com/docs/sdk/getting_started/legal/gdpr
    yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.initSdk("<your appKey>", true, true, false, false);
    // You may also listen to flutter initialization statuses
    yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setInitListener((bool successful) {
        print('Yodo1 Flutter Init status $successful');

Loading Ads

To load an ad, use the loadAd method with the ad type as a parameter. Here’s an example:

await yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.loadAd(Yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.adTypeAppOpen);

Checking if Ads are Loaded

You can check if an ad is loaded by using the isAdLoaded method. Here’s how you can do it:

bool isLoaded = await yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.isAdLoaded(Yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.adTypeAppOpen);

Displaying Ads

To show an ad, use the showAd method with the ad type as a parameter. Here’s an example:

await yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.showAd(Yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.adTypeAppOpen);

Adding Listeners

You can add different listeners for various ad types and initialization by using the following methods:

  • Initialization Listener:

    _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setInitListener((bool successful) {
      print('Yodo1 Flutter Init successful $successful');
  • Interstitial Listener:

    _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setInterstitialListener((int code, String message) {
      print('Yodo1 Flutter Callback Interstitial $code $message');
  • Reward Listener:

    _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setRewardListener((int code, String message) {
      print('Yodo1 Flutter Callback Rewarded $code $message');
  • App Open Listener:

    _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setAppOpenListener((int code, String message) {
      print('Yodo1 Flutter Callback AppOpen $code $message');

Make sure to replace <your appKey> with your actual app key for the SDK.

Ad Events

Ad Events in the SDK are denoted using codes -

Event Name Event Code
Ad Loaded 1004
Ad Failed to Load 1005
Ad Opened 1001
Ad Closed 1002
Ad Failed to Open 1003
Reward Earned (Rewarded Only) 2001

These constants are present in the SDK to be consumed in Yodo1MasConstants, simply -

import 'package:yodo1_mas_flutter_plugin/constants.dart';

You can listen for various ad events by using the following methods:

  • Rewarded Ad Events:

    • Loaded: Triggered when a rewarded ad is successfully loaded.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setRewardListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventLoaded) {
          print('Rewarded Ad Loaded: $message');
    • Failed to Load: Triggered when a rewarded ad fails to load.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setRewardListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventFailedToLoad) {
          print('Rewarded Ad Failed to Load: $message');
    • Opened: Triggered when a rewarded ad is opened.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setRewardListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventOpened) {
          print('Rewarded Ad Opened: $message');
    • Failed to Open: Triggered when a rewarded ad fails to open.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setRewardListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventFailedToOpen) {
          print('Rewarded Ad Failed to Open: $message');
    • Closed: Triggered when a rewarded ad is closed.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setRewardListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventClosed) {
          print('Rewarded Ad Closed: $message');
    • Earned: Triggered when a reward is earned from a rewarded ad.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setRewardListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventEarned) {
          print('Reward Earned: $message');
  • Interstitial Ad Events:

    • Loaded: Triggered when an interstitial ad is successfully loaded.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setInterstitialListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventLoaded) {
          print('Interstitial Ad Loaded: $message');
    • Failed to Load: Triggered when an interstitial ad fails to load.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setInterstitialListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventFailedToLoad) {
          print('Interstitial Ad Failed to Load: $message');
    • Opened: Triggered when an interstitial ad is opened.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setInterstitialListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventOpened) {
          print('Interstitial Ad Opened: $message');
    • Failed to Open: Triggered when an interstitial ad fails to open.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setInterstitialListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventFailedToOpen) {
          print('Interstitial Ad Failed to Open: $message');
    • Closed: Triggered when an interstitial ad is closed.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setInterstitialListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventClosed) {
          print('Interstitial Ad Closed: $message');
  • App Open Ad Events:

    • Loaded: Triggered when an app open ad is successfully loaded.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setAppOpenListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventLoaded) {
          print('App Open Ad Loaded: $message');
    • Failed to Load: Triggered when an app open ad fails to load.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setAppOpenListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventFailedToLoad) {
          print('App Open Ad Failed to Load: $message');
    • Opened: Triggered when an app open ad is opened.
      _yodo1MasFlutterPlugin.setAppOpenListener((int code, String message) {
        if (code == Yodo1MasConstants.adEventOpened) {
          print('App Open Ad Opened: $message');

Make sure to handle these events appropriately in your application to enhance user experience and track ad performance.