gaussianBlur function

Image gaussianBlur(
  1. Image src,
  2. int radius

Apply gaussian blur to the src image. radius determines how many pixels away from the current pixel should contribute to the blur, where 0 is no blur and the larger the radius, the stronger the blur.


Image gaussianBlur(Image src, int radius) {
  if (radius <= 0) {
    return src;

  SeparableKernel kernel;

  if (_gaussianKernelCache.containsKey(radius)) {
    kernel = _gaussianKernelCache[radius]!;
  } else {
    // Compute coefficients
    final num sigma = radius * (2.0 / 3.0);
    final num s = 2.0 * sigma * sigma;

    kernel = SeparableKernel(radius);

    num sum = 0.0;
    for (var x = -radius; x <= radius; ++x) {
      final num c = exp(-(x * x) / s);
      sum += c;
      kernel[x + radius] = c;
    // Normalize the coefficients
    kernel.scaleCoefficients(1.0 / sum);

    // Cache the kernel for this radius so we don't have to recompute it
    // next time.
    _gaussianKernelCache[radius] = kernel;

  return separableConvolution(src, kernel);