findTrim function
Find the crop area to be used by the trim function. Returns the
coordinates as x, y, width, height
. You could pass these coordinates
to the copyCrop function to crop the image.
List<int> findTrim(Image src,
{TrimMode mode = TrimMode.transparent, Trim sides = Trim.all}) {
var h = src.height;
var w = src.width;
final bg = (mode == TrimMode.topLeftColor)
? src.getPixel(0, 0)
: (mode == TrimMode.bottomRightColor)
? src.getPixel(w - 1, h - 1)
: 0;
var xmin = w;
var xmax = 0;
int? ymin;
var ymax = 0;
for (var y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
var first = true;
for (var x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
final c = src.getPixel(x, y);
if ((mode == TrimMode.transparent && getAlpha(c) != 0) ||
(mode != TrimMode.transparent && (c != bg))) {
if (xmin > x) {
xmin = x;
if (xmax < x) {
xmax = x;
ymin ??= y;
ymax = y;
if (first) {
x = xmax;
first = false;
// A trim wasn't found
if (ymin == null) {
return [0, 0, w, h];
if (sides & == false) {
ymin = 0;
if (sides & Trim.bottom == false) {
ymax = h - 1;
if (sides & Trim.left == false) {
xmin = 0;
if (sides & Trim.right == false) {
xmax = w - 1;
w = 1 + xmax - xmin; // Image width in pixels
h = 1 + ymax - ymin; // Image height in pixels
return [xmin, ymin, w, h];