drawStringCentered function

Image drawStringCentered(
  1. Image image,
  2. BitmapFont font,
  3. String string, {
  4. int? x,
  5. int? y,
  6. int color = 0xffffffff,

Draw a string horizontally into image at position x,y with the given color. If x is omitted text is automatically centered into image If y is omitted text is automatically centered into image. If both x and y are provided it has the same behaviour of drawString method.

You can load your own font, or use one of the existing ones such as: arial_14, arial_24, or arial_48.


Image drawStringCentered(Image image, BitmapFont font, String string,
    {int? x, int? y, int color = 0xffffffff}) {
  var stringWidth = 0;
  var stringHeight = 0;

  if (x == null || y == null) {
    final chars = string.codeUnits;
    for (var c in chars) {
      if (!font.characters.containsKey(c)) {
      final ch = font.characters[c]!;
      stringWidth += ch.xadvance;
      if (ch.height + ch.yoffset > stringHeight) {
        stringHeight = ch.height + ch.yoffset;

  int xPos, yPos;
  if (x == null) {
    xPos = (image.width / 2).round() - (stringWidth / 2).round();
  } else {
    xPos = x;
  if (y == null) {
    yPos = (image.height / 2).round() - (stringHeight / 2).round();
  } else {
    yPos = y;

  return drawString(image, font, xPos, yPos, string, color: color);