round method
Round to n-bit precision (n should be between 0 and 10). After rounding, the significand's 10-n least significant bits will be zero.
Half round(int n) {
if (n >= 10) {
return this;
// Disassemble h into the sign, s,
// and the combined exponent and significand, e.
final s = _h! & 0x8000;
var e = _h! & 0x7fff;
// Round the exponent and significand to the nearest value
// where ones occur only in the (10-n) most significant bits.
// Note that the exponent adjusts automatically if rounding
// up causes the significand to overflow.
e >>= 9 - n;
e += e & 1;
e <<= 9 - n;
// Check for exponent overflow.
if (e >= 0x7c00) {
// Overflow occurred -- truncate instead of rounding.
e = _h!;
e >>= 10 - n;
e <<= 10 - n;
// Put the original sign bit back.
return Half.fromBits(s | e);