canonicalCodeTable static method
- List<int> hcode
static void canonicalCodeTable(List<int> hcode) {
final n = List<int>.filled(59, 0);
// For each i from 0 through 58, count the
// number of different codes of length i, and
// store the count in n[i].
for (var i = 0; i < HUF_ENCSIZE; ++i) {
n[hcode[i]] += 1;
// For each i from 58 through 1, compute the
// numerically lowest code with length i, and
// store that code in n[i].
var c = 0;
for (var i = 58; i > 0; --i) {
final nc = ((c + n[i]) >> 1);
n[i] = c;
c = nc;
// hcode[i] contains the length, l, of the
// code for symbol i. Assign the next available
// code of length l to the symbol and store both
// l and the code in hcode[i].
for (var i = 0; i < HUF_ENCSIZE; ++i) {
final l = hcode[i];
if (l > 0) {
hcode[i] = l | (n[l]++ << 6);