checkIncrementLimit static method

bool checkIncrementLimit(
  1. String field,
  2. Map<String, dynamic> request, {
  3. num? min,
  4. num? max,

Increment Limit If min or max is null don't control and return true

Include max and min


// ignore: comment_references
///If [min] or [max] is [null] don't control and return true
///Include [max] and  [min]
static bool checkIncrementLimit(String field, Map<String, dynamic> request,
    {num? min, num? max}) {
  if (request['\$inc'] != null) {
    var parsedFieldName = parseField(field);

    if (request['\$inc'][parsedFieldName] == null) return true;

    if (!(request['\$inc'] is Map)) return true;
    Map<String, dynamic> map = request['\$inc']
      ..updateAll((key, value) => MapEntry(parseField(key), value));

    var inc = num.parse(map[parsedFieldName]);
    if (max != null) {
      if (min != null) {
        return inc <= max && inc >= min;
      } else {
        return inc <= max;
    } else {
      if (min != null) {
        return inc >= min;
  return true;