getContent method

Future<T?> getContent(
  1. String identifier

Get content by identifier

If content exists and newly your duration, return content from cache/storage

If not, content will get before

If you will call same time and same identifier, feel free.

Because contentGetter only use once. Your other invokes wait first getter


Future<T?> getContent(String identifier) async {
  if (isThere(identifier)) {
    var content = _contents[identifier];

    if (content != null) {
      if (content.cacheTime.difference( >
          maxDuration.inMilliseconds) {
        await update(identifier, checkAfterUpdate: false);
    } else {
      await update(identifier, checkAfterUpdate: false);
  } else {
    await update(identifier, checkAfterUpdate: false);
  await _checkNeedsRemove();
  return _contents[identifier];