mobile_ads library
- AdInfo
- An AdInfo contains information about ad size and unit id.
- AdLocation
- An AdLocation contains information about user location.
- AdRequest
- An AdRequest contains targeting information used to fetch an ad.
- AdRequestConfiguration
- An AdRequestConfiguration contains targeting information used to fetch an ad.
- AdSize
- An AdSize contains the size of a fullscreen ad.
- AdWidget
- AppOpenAd
- This class is responsible for showing an app open ad.
- AppOpenAdEventListener
- This class is responsible for listen app open ad events. Should be set to AppOpenAd before ad showing.
- AppOpenAdLoader
- This class is responsible for loading an app open ad.
- BannerAd
- This class is responsible for loading and showing a banner ad.
- BannerAdSize
- A BannerAdSize represents the size of a banner ad.
- CalculatedBannerAdSize
- ImpressionData
- InterstitialAd
- This class is responsible for showing an interstitial ad.
- InterstitialAdEventListener
- This class is responsible for listen interstitial ad events. Should be set to InterstitialAd before ad showing.
- InterstitialAdLoader
- This class is responsible for loading an interstitial ad.
- MobileAds
- This class allows you to set general SDK settings.
- Reward
- Class contains information about the reward given to the user.
- RewardedAd
- This class is responsible for showing an rewarded ad.
- RewardedAdEventListener
- This class is responsible for listen interstitial ad events. Should be set to RewardedAd before ad showing.
- RewardedAdLoader
- This class is responsible for loading an rewarded ad.
- AdTheme
- An AdTheme represents ad theme.