SearchLayer class abstract

The search layer handles the map search requests and displays the results on the map automatically. It also handles the map movements and resubmits searches when needed.

Implemented types




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
visible bool
Search layer visibility. Visible by default. While the layer is invisible resubmits are not performed on map moves, but all the state changing methods (submitQuery, resubmit, deselectPlacemark, and other) are executed as usual.
getter/setter pair


addPlacemarkListener(PlacemarkListener placemarkListener) → void
Add a placemark listener, which will receive notifications from the search layer.
addSearchResultListener(SearchResultListener searchResultListener) → void
Add the search result listener, which will receive notifications from the search layer.
clear() → void
Clear the displayed search results from the map.
deselectPlacemark() → void
Deselect all placemarks.
enableMapMoveOnSearchResponse(bool enable) → void
Enable or disable moving the map on primary search response. Map moving is enabled by default.
enableRequestsOnMapMoves(bool enable) → void
Enable or disable search requests (resubmits and submits) when the map is moved. Requests are enabled by default.
fetchNextPage() → void
Load the next page of results.
forceUpdateIcon(PlacemarkIconType iconType, ImageProvider image, IconStyle style, {required String geoObjectId}) → void
Update the icon image for each suitable placemark. If the placemark is not found, the image will be put in a queue and will be applied once when the placemark is created. This is not the normal way to set the image. It is highly advisable to return the right image from AssetsProvider.
forceUpdateMapObjects() → void
Force reloading all visible pins from AssetProvider. Use when there is a reason to update ALL the icons simultaneously (for example icon theme change, day/night mode, and other). This can be a pretty expensive operation, as it wipes all the map objects off of the layer and creates them from scratch. Use only if absolutely necessary.
getSearchResultsList() List<SearchResultItem>
Get the list of search results.
hasNextPage() bool
Check if more results could be loaded.
isValid() bool
Usable only in runWithBlockUi or listener handlers.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
obtainAdIcons(bool enable) → void
If enabled, the search layer will obtain and set advertising icons without asking AssetsProvider.
removePlacemarkListener(PlacemarkListener placemarkListener) → void
Remove placemark listener
removeSearchResultListener(SearchResultListener searchResultListener) → void
Remove search result listener.
resetAssetsProvider() → void
Reset the assets provider to default.
resetSort() → void
Reset the sort if it was previously set.
resubmit() → void
Manual resubmit.
searchByUri(SearchOptions searchOptions, {required String uri}) → void
Submit search request for URI resolution. Allows multiple objects in response.
searchMetadata() SearchMetadata?
Get the last search response metadata.
selectedPlacemarkId() String?
Selected placemark ID. Return Placemark identifier if any placemark is selected, otherwise none.
selectPlacemark(String geoObjectId) → void
Select the placemark by ID.
setAssetsProvider(AssetsProvider provider) → void
Set a custom assets provider, which provides images, sizes and icon styles for placemarks.
setFilterCollection(SearchFilterCollection? filters) → void
Set search filters.
setFilters(List<SearchBusinessFilter> filters) → void
search.FilterCollection)} instead.
setInsets({required int top, required int left, required int bottom, required int right}) → void
Apply insets (in pixels) to the screen. If inset is not zero, search in the cut-off area will not be performed.
setPolylinePosition(PolylinePosition position) → void
When sorting by distance from polyline sets position on this polyline. Has the same effect as sorting by distance from the sub-polyline from position to the end of the polyline. Throws if no polyline is set or position is out of range.
setSearchManager(SearchManager searchManager) → void
Set the search manager. Do not use this method; it is for internal use only.
setSortByDistance(Geometry origin) → void
Set sort order of the results by distance from given geometry.
submitQuery(SearchOptions searchOptions, {required String query}) → void
Submit search query with search options.
submitQueryWithGeometry(Geometry geometry, SearchOptions searchOptions, {required String query}) → void
Submit search query with search options near provided geometry.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.