PanoramaPlayer class abstract

Panorama player that is used to open panoramas.

Implemented types




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
Yandex logo object.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addCompanyTapListener(PanoramaCompanyTapListener companyTapListener) → void
Adds company tap listener.
addDirectionChangeListener(PanoramaDirectionChangeListener directionChangeListener) → void
Adds direction listener.
addErrorListener(PanoramaErrorListener errorListener) → void
Adds error listener.
addPanoramaChangeListener(PanoramaChangeListener panoramaChangeListener) → void
Adds a panorama change listener.
addSpanChangeListener(PanoramaSpanChangeListener spanChangeListener) → void
Adds span listener.
companiesEnabled() bool
Checks if companies are enabled.
direction() Direction
View direction of the opened panorama. Return View direction of the opened panorama. Empty if no panorama is open.
disableCompanies() → void
Disallows companies (company names and icons) to be shown.
disableLoadingWheel() → void
Disallows showing loading wheels.
disableMarkers() → void
Disallows markers (house numbers, railway stations, airports) to be shown.
disableMove() → void
Hides transition arrows and disallows switching panoramas.
disableRotation() → void
Disallows the user to rotate panoramas.
disableZoom() → void
Disables player zoom controls.
enableCompanies() → void
Allows companies (company names and icons) to be shown.
enableLoadingWheel() → void
Allows showing loading wheels.
enableMarkers() → void
Allows markers (house numbers, railway stations, airports) to be shown.
enableMove() → void
Shows transition arrows and allows switching panoramas.
enableRotation() → void
Allows the user to rotate panoramas.
enableZoom() → void
Enables player zoom controls.
historicalPanoramas() List<HistoricalPanorama>
Return panoramas published earlier at the current panorama position. Result is updated on the PanoramaChangeListener callback
isValid() bool
Usable only in runWithBlockUi or listener handlers.
loadingWheelEnabled() bool
Checks if loading wheels can be shown while the panorama is opening.
lookAt(Point position) → void
Sets the view direction to the center of the given geo position.
markersEnabled() bool
Checks if markers are enabled.
moveEnabled() bool
Checks if switching panoramas is enabled.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onMemoryWarning() → void
Called when a memory warning happens.
openPanorama(String panoramaId) → void
Opens the panorama with the given ID.
openUserPanoramaWithLocalDataSource(PanoramaDescription panoramaDescription, PanoramaTileImageFactory tileImageProvider, PanoramaIconImageFactory iconImageProvider, PanoramaUserPanoramaEventListener userPanoramaEventListener) → void
Opens the panorama from the local datasource.
openUserPanoramaWithNetworkDataSource(PanoramaDescription panoramaDescription, PanoramaTileUrlProvider tileUrlProvider, PanoramaIconUrlProvider iconUrlProvider, PanoramaUserPanoramaEventListener userPanoramaEventListener) → void
Opens the panorama from the network datasource.
panoramaId() String
Opened the panorama with the given ID. Return PanoramaId of the currently opened panorama. Empty if no panorama is open.
position() Point
Geo position of current panorama. Return Geo position of the currently opened panorama. Empty if no panorama is open.
removeCompanyTapListener(PanoramaCompanyTapListener companyTapListener) → void
Removes company tap listener.
removeDirectionChangeListener(PanoramaDirectionChangeListener directionChangeListener) → void
Removes the direction listener.
removeErrorListener(PanoramaErrorListener errorListener) → void
Removes error listener.
removePanoramaChangeListener(PanoramaChangeListener panoramaChangeListener) → void
Removes the panorama change listener.
removeSpanChangeListener(PanoramaSpanChangeListener spanChangeListener) → void
Removes span listener.
reset() → void
Closes the opened panorama and stops all player actions.
rotationEnabled() bool
Checks if player rotation is enabled.
setDirection(Direction direction) → void
Sets the view direction bearing and tilt.
setSpan(Span span) → void
Sets the view area span. Invalid values are adjusted by the player to the closest valid values.
span() Span
View span of the opened panorama. Return Current view span of the opened panorama. May be different from the span provided by the setSpan(span) method.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
zoomEnabled() bool
Checks if zoom controls are enabled.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.