switchModesAutomatically property

bool get switchModesAutomatically

If enabled, camera will automatically switch between modes:

  • Camera will become into 'Following' mode if current route in navigation selected or current speed is greater than: 10 km/h for auto and 5 km/h for pedestrian navigations.
  • Camera will become into 'Following' mode from 'Overview' mode on guidance start.
  • Camera will become into 'Overview' when routes requested, but current route does not selected yet.
  • Camera will become into 'Free' mode from 'Following' mode on any external move (gesture / call `map.move`)
  • Camera will become into 'Following' mode from 'Free' mode if requirements from (1) satisfied and there are no any camera moving activity for 10 seconds

Enabled by default.


core.bool get switchModesAutomatically;
set switchModesAutomatically (bool val)


set switchModesAutomatically(core.bool val);