MapWindow class abstract
Handles the MapWindow element.
- Implemented types
- focusPoint ↔ ScreenPoint?
The point on the screen that corresponds to camera position. Changing
camera position or focusPoint makes the new camera target appear
exactly at the focusPoint on screen.
getter/setter pair
- focusRect ↔ ScreenRect?
When using controls that overlay the map view, calculating the proper
camera position can be tricky. This property simplifies the task by
defining the area of interest (the focus rectangle) inside the view.
Map methods that calculate the camera position based on a world
bounding box ensure that this bounding box will fit into the
getter/setter pair
- focusRegion → VisibleRegion
Gets the focused region.
Return A region that corresponds to the current focusRect or the
visible region if focusRect is not set. Region IS bounded by latitude
limits [-90, 90] and IS NOT bounded by longitude limits [-180,
180]. If longitude exceeds its limits, we see the world's edge and
another instance of the world beyond this edge.
no setter
- gestureFocusPoint ↔ ScreenPoint?
Defines the focus point of gestures. Actual behaviour depends on
gestureFocusPointMode. If the point is not set, the source point of
the gesture will be used as the focus point. Default: none.
getter/setter pair
- gestureFocusPointMode ↔ GestureFocusPointMode
Specifies the way provided gesture focus point affects gestures.
Default: TapGestures.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- map → Map
Gets the map interface.
no setter
- pointOfView ↔ PointOfView
Defines the position of the point of view. Cameras use perspective
projection, which causes perspective deformations. Perspective
projection has an axis, and points on this axis are not affected by
perspective deformations. This axis is a line parallel to the view's
direction, so its projection to the screen is a point - the "point of
view". By default, this point is at the center of the screen, but
some applications might want to set it to the center of focusRect.
Use this flag to do so. Default: ScreenCenter
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- scaleFactor ← double
no getter
MapSizeChangedListener sizeChangedListener) → void - Adds a SizeChangedListener.
Surface surface) → void - Adds additional surface to render frames on. A part of the frame with center in focusPoint will be sent to surface. Dimesions of this part are determined by dimensions of surface. If surface larger than map, the map will be scaled to fit the surface This method is android only
) → int - Window height in physical pixels
) → bool - Usable only in runWithBlockUi or listener handlers.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
MapSizeChangedListener sizeChangedListener) → void - Removes a SizeChangedListener.
Surface surface) → void - Removes external surface. This method is android only
ScreenPoint screenPoint) → Point? - Transforms coordinates from screen space to world space.
double fps) → void - Allows to reduce CPU/GPU/battery usage in specific scenarios, where lower framerate is acceptable. Valid range: (0, 60]. Default: 60.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
) → int - Window width in physical pixels
Point worldPoint) → ScreenPoint? - Transforms the position from world coordinates to screen coordinates.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.