yandex_mapkit_lite library
- AndroidYandexMap
- Android specific settings for YandexMap.
- BitmapDescriptor
- Defines a bitmap image. Used to provide Bitmap objects from different input sources.
- BoundingBox
- A rectangular box around the object.
- CameraPosition
- The position of the camera.
- CameraUpdate
- Defines a camera move, supporting absolute moves as well as moves relative the current position.
- Circle
- A circle around the specified point.
- CircleMapObject
- A circle to be displayed on YandexMap.
- Cluster
- A number placemarks grouped into single placemark created for ClusterizedPlacemarkCollection Cluster
- ClusterizedPlacemarkCollection
- A collection of PlacemarkMapObject to be displayed on YandexMap
- Geometry
- A geometric representation of an object on map
- GeoObject
- Geo object. Can be displayed as a placemark, polyline, polygon, etc. depending on the geometry type.
- GeoObjectSelectionMetadata
- Geo object metadata which is needed to select object
- LinearRing
- A sequence of four or more vertices, with all points along the linearly-interpolated curves (line segments) between each pair of consecutive vertices. A ring must have either 0, 4 or more points. The first and last points of the ring must be in the same position. The ring must not intersect with itself.
- LocalizedValue
- A value respecting the device locale.
- MapAlignment
- Map logo alignment.
- MapAnimation
- The animation that is used to switch between states.
T> - A common interface for maps types.
- MapObjectCollection
- A collection of MapObject to be displayed on YandexMap All mapObjects must be unique, i.e. each MapObject.mapId must be unique
- MapObjectId
- Uniquely identifies object an among all MapObjectCollection.mapObjects of a specific type.
T extends MapObject> - Update specification for a set of objects.
- MapRect
- The rectangle to display on the map.
- MultiPolygon
- An area consisting of multiple external polygons
- PlacemarkCompositeIconItem
- A part of a composite icon to visually show a PlacemarkMapObject icon
- PlacemarkIcon
- Visual icon of a single PlacemarkMapObject
- PlacemarkIconStyle
- Visual icon of an icon to be used to visually show a PlacemarkMapObject
- PlacemarkMapObject
- A placemark to be displayed on YandexMap at a specific point
- PlacemarkText
- Text to display on top of a PlacemarkMapObject
- PlacemarkTextStyle
- Visuals of text displayed with a PlacemarkMapObject
- Point
- A point at the specified coordinates.
- Polygon
- A polygon with one or more polygons in it. The exterior and interior areas are specified using LinearRing.
- PolygonMapObject
- A polygon to be displayed on YandexMap
- Polyline
- A polyline between a number of points. A polyline is drawn between consecutive points.
- PolylineMapObject
- Collection of points connected by lines to be displayed on YandexMap
- RequestPoint
- Point for a route build request
- ScreenPoint
- A point on the device screen.
- ScreenRect
- A rectangle on the device screen.
- TrafficLevel
- The level of traffic.
- UserLocationAnchor
- Defines the anchor points for user location layer
- UserLocationView
- Interface used to specify the appearance of the user location icon elements.
- VisibleRegion
- Defines the visible region.
- YandexMap
- A widget which displays a map using Yandex maps service.
- YandexMapController
- CameraUpdateReason
- HorizontalAlignment
- Horizontal logo alignment.
- MapAnimationType
- Animation types
- MapType
- The type of map displayed.
- RequestPointType
- The waypoint and a point the path must go through.
- RotationType
- PlacemarkIconStyle rotation types
- TextStylePlacement
- PlacemarkTextStyle placement
- TrafficColor
- The color that is used for traffic.
- VerticalAlignment
- Vertical logo alignment.
T> = void Function(T argument) - CameraPositionCallback = void Function(CameraPosition cameraPosition, CameraUpdateReason reason, bool finished, VisibleRegion visibleRegion)
= Future<
Cluster?> Function(ClusterizedPlacemarkCollection self, Cluster cluster) - ClusterTapCallback = void Function(ClusterizedPlacemarkCollection self, Cluster cluster)
T> = void Function(T mapObject, Point point) -
T> = void Function(T mapObject) -
T> = void Function(T mapObject) - MapCreatedCallback = void Function(YandexMapController controller)
- ObjectTapCallback = void Function(GeoObject geoObject)
T> = void Function(T mapObject, Point point) - TrafficChangedCallback = void Function(TrafficLevel? trafficLevel)
= Future<
UserLocationView> ? Function(UserLocationView view)