newTiltAzimuthBounds static method

  1. @Deprecated(""" Will be removed in future versions. Instead use [newTiltAzimuthGeometry] """)
CameraUpdate newTiltAzimuthBounds(
  1. BoundingBox boundingBox, {
  2. double azimuth = 0,
  3. double tilt = 0,
  4. ScreenRect? focusRect,

Returns a camera update so that the specified geographical bounding box is centered in the map view at the greatest possible zoom level in the custom focus rect. If focusRect is null then the current focus rect is used. The camera's new tilt and bearing will both be 0.0.


  Will be removed in future versions. Instead use [newTiltAzimuthGeometry]
static CameraUpdate newTiltAzimuthBounds(BoundingBox boundingBox, {
  double azimuth = 0,
  double tilt = 0,
  ScreenRect? focusRect
}) {
  return newTiltAzimuthGeometry(
    azimuth: azimuth,
    tilt: tilt,
    focusRect: focusRect