yaml_mapper library


addPathToMap(Map<String, dynamic> map, List<String> keyPath, dynamic value) Map<String, dynamic>
adds a dynamic value to Map<String, dynamic> yaml with the depth definded by List<String> keyPath
determineWhitespace(List<String> lines) String
Returns the String used for indentation in List<String> lines.
getPathValue(List<String> keyPath, Map<String, dynamic> map) → dynamic
Returns the String value from a List<String> keyPath
parseMap(List<String> lines, String indentMarker, {int indentLevel = 0}) Map<String, dynamic>
Parses a YAML Map from the List<String> lines of a file.
removeFromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map, List<String> keyPath) → void
Removes a key from a map with the depth definded by List<String> keyPath
writeYAML(Map<String, dynamic> yaml, String asset) → void
Save the Map<String, dynamic> to a YAML file