spliceList method

Iterable<YamlNode> spliceList(
  1. Iterable<Object?> path,
  2. int index,
  3. int deleteCount,
  4. Iterable<Object?> values,

Changes the contents of the list at path by removing deleteCount items at index, and inserting values in-place. Returns the elements that are deleted.

index and deleteCount must be non-negative and index + deleteCount must be no greater than the list's length.

Throws a ArgumentError if the element at the given path is not a YamlList or if the path is invalid.

Throws an AliasException if a node on path is an alias or anchor.


final doc = YamlEditor('[Jan, March, April, June]');
doc.spliceList([], 1, 0, ['Feb']); // [Jan, Feb, March, April, June]
doc.spliceList([], 4, 1, ['May']); // [Jan, Feb, March, April, May]


Iterable<YamlNode> spliceList(Iterable<Object?> path, int index,
    int deleteCount, Iterable<Object?> values) {
  final list = _traverseToList(path, checkAlias: true);

  RangeError.checkValueInInterval(index, 0, list.length);
  RangeError.checkValueInInterval(index + deleteCount, 0, list.length);

  final nodesToRemove = list.nodes.getRange(index, index + deleteCount);

  // Perform addition of elements before removal to avoid scenarios where
  // a block list gets emptied out to {} to avoid changing collection styles
  // where possible.

  // Reverse [values] and insert them.
  final reversedValues = values.toList().reversed;
  for (final value in reversedValues) {
    insertIntoList(path, index, value);

  for (var i = 0; i < deleteCount; i++) {
    remove([...path, index + values.length]);

  return nodesToRemove;