insertIntoList method

void insertIntoList(
  1. Iterable<Object?> path,
  2. int index,
  3. Object? value

Inserts value into the list at path.

index must be non-negative and no greater than the list's length.

Throws a ArgumentError if the element at the given path is not a YamlList or if the path is invalid.

Throws an AliasException if a node on path is an alias or anchor.


final doc = YamlEditor('[0, 2]');
doc.insertIntoList([], 1, 1); // [0, 1, 2]


void insertIntoList(Iterable<Object?> path, int index, Object? value) {
  final valueNode = wrapAsYamlNode(value);

  final list = _traverseToList(path, checkAlias: true);
  RangeError.checkValueInInterval(index, 0, list.length);

  final edit = insertInList(this, list, index, valueNode);
  final expected = wrapAsYamlNode(
    [...list.nodes]..insert(index, valueNode),

  _performEdit(edit, path, expected);