yalo - YAml LOcalizations and assets code generator

Getting Started

This package is a continuation of the assets_codegen package, but with a simpler and more hassle-free form of use.

The main idea of this package is a generating dart class with fields, which can help you access to your assets in code and give you autocomplete and static preload of text assets in one place. For an example of usage, please see example project. And to simples generation of localizations from yaml files.


After installing this package you can use .yaml files with localized content. You can place these files in this order:

  • .../language_code/intl.yaml
  • .../language_code.intl.yaml
  • .../language_code_intl.yaml

Where language_code is a ru / en / de etc. Like in example:

  • assets/localizations/ru/intl.yaml
  • assets/localizations/en/intl.yaml
  • assets/localizations/de_intl.yaml
  • assets/localizations/zh.intl.yaml

These localization files should be in according to format:

# .../en/intl.yaml

# Simple key and it localized value
ok: OK

# Value with description
# this type of localized key will has a description on generated code
  # localized value place in value
  value: Save
  # description of value place in desc
  desc: Saving something

# pluralization example
# you can simply use plurals with mark key: and plural forms values
  # zero plural form
  zero: books
  # one plural form
  one: book
  # two plural form and etc.
  two: books
  other: books
  desc: Uses for description of books count

# this is a namespace
  # to get localized value of title key you should use a loc.namespacedZone.title
  title: Title of Namespaced zone
  description: Description of Namespaced zone
  # inner namespace
    # loc.namespacedZone.checkout.title
    title: Checkoout for additional page
    title: Deeper title of Inner namespaced zone
    description: Deeper description of Inner namespaced zone
    # plural in inner namespace
      zero: books
      one: book
      two: books
      few: books
      many: books
      other: books
      desc: Uses for description of books count

  title: Cart
  description: Please, fill the cart to do checkout
    title: Checkout
    description: You should checkout

When you create all localization files - run command:

flutter pub run yalo:loc

This command will generate a .yalo_locale folder in your project's root directory. Then, add this folder as a dependency to pubspec.yaml file:

# ...
  # ...
    path: ./.yalo_locale
  # ...
# ...

Now, you can use generated locale delegate in your app! Yalo provides to use a simple variable localizationsDelegates, which you can use in your MaterialApp or CupertinoApp. And also, you can use generated variable supportedLocales, which contains all your locales.

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      // final localizationsDelegates = [LocalizationDelegate(), ...GlobalMaterialLocalizations.delegates];
      localizationsDelegates: localizationsDelegates, // <--
      // const supportedLocales = [const Locale('de'), const Locale('ru'), const Locale('zh'), const Locale('en')];
      supportedLocales: supportedLocales, // <--
      title: 'Assets demo',
      theme: ThemeData(
        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
      home: MyHomePage(),

To get access to current locale content, use Messages.of(context), this method will return your current's locale content:

import 'package:yalo_locale/lib.dart';

// MyHomePageState.dart
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final LocalizationMessages _loc = Messages.of(context); // <-- getting Messages

    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('${Messages.of(context).book(3)} app'), // <-- plural using example
      body: Center(
        child: Column(
          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
          children: <Widget>[
            _buildText('You have $_counter ${_loc.book(_counter)}'),
            _buildText('Namespaced title: ${_loc.namespacedZone.title}'),
            _buildText('Checkout from one namespace: ${_loc.namespacedZone.checkout.title}'),
            _buildText('Checkout from other namespace: ${_loc.cart.checkout.title}'),
      floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: _incrementCounter,
        tooltip: 'Increment',
        child: Icon(Icons.add),

Also, you can use a static fields of Messages with localized content too. For every language will be generated a static field. For example:

class Messages {
  static LocalizationMessages of(BuildContext context) => Localizations.of(context, LocalizationMessages);

  // For every language - static field
  static LocalizationMessages get de => LocalizationDelegate()._languageMap['de']; // <--

  static LocalizationMessages get ru => LocalizationDelegate()._languageMap['ru']; // <--

  static LocalizationMessages get zh => LocalizationDelegate()._languageMap['zh']; // <--

  static LocalizationMessages get en => LocalizationDelegate()._languageMap['en']; // <--


To generate code with your assets paths, you should run this commend:

flutter pub run yalo:asset

This command will generate a .yalo_assets folder in your project's root. Also, as written above, you must add this folder as a dependency of your project:

# ...
  # ...
    path: ./.yalo_assets
  # ...
# ...

After that, you can use Assets class with static and usual fields in your project:

import 'package:yalo_assets/lib.dart';

// MyHomePageState.dart
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: Column(
          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
          children: <Widget>[
            _buildText('Assets example: ${Assets.rigDemoS}'), // <-- this static field contains "assets/rive/Rig Demo.flr2d" string
            _buildText('Assets example: ${Assets().rigDemo}'), // <-- this field contains "assets/rive/Rig Demo.flr2d" string
      floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: _incrementCounter,
        tooltip: 'Increment',
        child: Icon(Icons.add),

