TerminalIsolate class

The TerminalIsolate class hosts an Isolate that runs a Terminal. It handles all the communication with and from the Terminal and implements TerminalUiInteraction as well as the terminal and therefore can simply be exchanged with a Terminal. This class is the preferred use of a Terminal as the Terminal logic and all the communication with the backend are happening outside the UI thread.

There is a special constraints in using this class: The given backend has to be built so that it can be passed into an Isolate.

This means in particular that it is not allowed to have any closures in its object graph. It is a good idea to move as much instantiation as possible into the TerminalBackend.init method that gets called after the backend instance has been passed and is therefore allowed to instantiate parts of the object graph that do contain closures.

Implemented types
Mixed in types


TerminalIsolate({TerminalBackend? backend, BellHandler onBell = _defaultBellHandler, TitleChangeHandler onTitleChange = _defaultTitleHandler, IconChangeHandler onIconChange = _defaultIconHandler, PlatformBehavior platform = PlatformBehaviors.unix, TerminalTheme theme = TerminalThemes.defaultTheme, Duration minRefreshDelay = const Duration(milliseconds: 16), required int maxLines})


backend TerminalBackend?
backendExited Future<int>
Future that fires when the backend has exited
no setteroverride
backgroundColor int
color code for the background
no setteroverride
bufferHeight int
the total buffer height
no setteroverride
composingString String
returns the current composing string. '' when there is no composing going on
no setteroverride
currentLine BufferLine?
current line
no setteroverride
currentSearchHit int?
gets the current search hit
getter/setter pairoverride
cursorColor int
color code for the cursor
no setteroverride
cursorX int
cursor x coordinate
no setteroverride
cursorY int
cursor y coordinate
no setteroverride
dirty bool
flag that indicates if the terminal is dirty (since the last time this flag has been queried)
no setteroverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
invisibleHeight int
the part of the buffer that is not visible (scrollback)
no setteroverride
isReady bool
flag that indicates if the Terminal is ready
no setteroverride
isTerminated bool
flag that indicates if the backend is already terminated
no setteroverride
isUserSearchActive bool
gets if a user search is active
getter/setter pairoverride
lastState TerminalState?
no setter
listeners Set<_VoidCallback>
maxLines int
minRefreshDelay Duration
numberOfSearchHits int
gets the number of search hits
no setteroverride
onBell BellHandler
onIconChange IconChangeHandler
onTitleChange TitleChangeHandler
platform PlatformBehavior
platform behavior for this terminal
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scrollOffsetFromBottom int
the ViewPort scroll offset from the bottom
no setteroverride
scrollOffsetFromTop int
the ViewPort scroll offset from the top
no setteroverride
selectedText String?
selected text defined by selection
no setteroverride
selection Selection?
object that describes details about the current selection
no setteroverride
showCursor bool
true when the cursor shall be shown, otherwise false
no setteroverride
terminalHeight int
terminal height (view port)
no setteroverride
terminalWidth int
terminal width (view port)
no setteroverride
theme TerminalTheme
The theme associated with this Terminal
userSearchOptions TerminalSearchOptions
gets the current user search options
getter/setter pairoverride
userSearchPattern String?
the search pattern of a currently active search or null
getter/setter pairoverride
userSearchResult TerminalSearchResult
returns the list of search hits
no setteroverride


addListener(_VoidCallback listener) → void
clearSelection() → void
clears the selection
convertViewLineToRawLine(int viewLine) int
converts the given view line (view port line) index to its position in the overall buffer
getVisibleLines() List<BufferLine>
returns the visible lines
keyInput(TerminalKey key, {bool ctrl = false, bool alt = false, bool shift = false, bool mac = false, String? character}) → void
notifies the Terminal about key input
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners() → void
onMouseDoubleTap(Position position) → void
notify the Terminal about a mouse double tap
onMouseTap(Position position) → void
notify the Terminal about a mouse tap
onPanStart(Position position) → void
notify the Terminal about a pan start
onPanUpdate(Position position) → void
notify the Terminal about a pan update
paste(String data) → void
paste clipboard content to the Terminal
poll() → void
raiseOnInput(String text) → void
notifies the Terminal about user input
refresh() → void
refreshes the Terminal (notifies listeners and sets it to dirty)
removeListener(_VoidCallback listener) → void
resize(int newWidth, int newHeight, int newPixelWidth, int newPixelHeight) → void
notifies the Terminal about a resize that happened. The Terminal will do any resize / reflow logic and notify the backend about the resize
selectAll() → void
select the whole buffer
setScrollOffsetFromBottom(int offset) → void
sets the scroll offset from bottom (scrolling)
start({bool testingDontWaitForBootup = false}) Future<void>
stop() → void
terminateBackend() → void
terminates the backend. If already terminated, nothing happens
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateComposingString(String value) → void
update the composing string. This gets called by the input handling part of the terminal
write(String text) → void
writes data to the Terminal


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.