localeValueFromMap function

Map<UiLanguage, String> localeValueFromMap(
  1. dynamic map

Converts a dynamic map to a map of UiLanguages and their corresponding values.

Throws an UnimplementedError if the input is neither a String nor a Map.

map The dynamic input to convert.


Map<UiLanguage, String> localeValueFromMap(final dynamic map) {
  if (map is String) {
    return {};
  } else if (map is Map) {
    if (map.isEmpty) {
      return {
        for (final lang in LocalizationConfig.instance.supportedLanguages)
          lang: '',
    final localeMap = <UiLanguage, String>{};
    for (final key in map.keys) {
      final language = UiLanguage.byCode(key);
      if (language == null) continue;
      localeMap[language] = map[key];
    return localeMap;
  } else {
    throw UnimplementedError('localeValueFromMap $map');