
English | 简体中文


There are three ways to create xpath queries:

  1. Use the queryXPath method directly on the html Node
  2. Use HtmlXpath.node ([HtmlNode]) to create a query and then use the query method to perform the query
  3. Use HtmlXpath.html ([HtmlString]) to parse the HTML, and then use query to query


import 'package:html/parser.dart';
import 'package:xpath_selector_html_parser/src/ext.dart';

final String htmlString = '''
<html lang="en">
<div><a href='https://github.com/simonkimi'>author</a></div>
<div class="head">div head</div>
<div class="container">
              <td id="td1" class="first1">1</td>
              <td id="td2" class="first1">2</td>
              <td id="td3" class="first2">3</td>
              <td id="td4" class="first2 form">4</td>

              <td id="td5" class="second1">one</td>
              <td id="td6" class="second1">two</td>
              <td id="td7" class="second2">three</td>
              <td id="td8" class="second2">four</td>
<div class="end">end</div>

void main() {
  final html1 = parse(htmlString).documentElement!;
  final html2 = HtmlXPath.node(html1);
  final html3 = HtmlXPath.html(htmlString);

  print(html3.query('//tr/td[@class^="fir" and not(text()="4")]'));


  • When parsing html, some nonstandard structures may change. For example, the missing tbody table will be added, which may lead to query problems.