

An XPath selector for locating Html and Xml elements

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This library is for xpath selection only, you must define a parser, and here is my prebuilt parser:

If you want to use another parser, refer to these two libraries to define your own parser that implements the XPathNode<T> interface

Extended syntax

In the attribute selector, the parser extends the following attribute selector in CSS style

Expression Css Description
@attr='value' attr="value" Selects all elements with attr="value"
@attr~='value' attr~="value" Selects all elements attribute containing the word "value"
@attr^='value' attr^="value" Selects all elements whose attr attribute value begins with "value"
@attr$='value' attr$="value" Selects all elements whose attr attribute value ends with "value"
@attr*='value' attr*="value" Selects all elements whose attr attribute value contains the substring "value"

Breaking changes

1.x => 2.0

  1. Remove classXPathElement, which merge toXPathNode
  2. In XPathResult, elements=>nodes, elements=>element

2.0 => 3.0

  1. Remove the built-in html and xlm parsers, and make it independent to xpath_selector_html_parser and xpath_selector_xml_parser

