

An XPath selector for locating Html and Xml elements

English | 中文文档

Easy to use

You have three ways to do XPath queries

final html = '''<html><div></div></html>''';
final htmlDom = parse(htmlString).documentElement!;
final xml = '''<root><child></child></root>''';
final xmlRoot = XmlDocument.parse().rootElement;

// Create by html string
final result1 = XPath.html(html).query('//div');
final result2 = XPath.xml(html).query('//child');

// Or through the dom of the HTML or Xml package
final result3 = XPath.htmlElement(htmlDom).query('//div');
final result4 = XPath.xmlElement(xmlRoot).query('//child');

// Or query directly through element
final result5 = htmlDom.queryXPath('//div');
final result6 = xmlRoot.queryXPath('//child');

// Get all nodes of query results

// Get the first node of query results


// Get all properties of query results

// Get the first valid property of the query result (not null)

More examples can be referred to Xml | Html

Extended syntax

In the attribute selector, the parser extends the following attribute selector in CSS style

Expression Css Description
@attr='value' attr="value" Selects all elements with attr="value"
@attr~='value' attr~="value" Selects all elements attribute containing the word "value"
@attr^='value' attr^="value" Selects all elements whose attr attribute value begins with "value"
@attr$='value' attr$="value" Selects all elements whose attr attribute value ends with "value"
@attr*='value' attr*="value" Selects all elements whose attr attribute value contains the substring "value"


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