isXmlAnnotationXmlConverter method

bool isXmlAnnotationXmlConverter({
  1. DartType? type,

Returns true if this type represents the type 'XmlConverter' defined in the xml_annotation library and can convert the type or this type represents a type that implements the type 'XmlConverter' defined in the xml_annotation library and can convert the type.


bool isXmlAnnotationXmlConverter({
  DartType? type,
}) {
  final _ = this;

  if (element?.library?.identifier == '$_prefix/xml_converter.dart' &&
      element?.name == 'XmlConverter' &&
      (type == null ||
          (_ is InterfaceType &&
              (_.typeArguments[0].element == type.element &&
                  ((_.typeArguments[0].nullabilitySuffix ==
                              NullabilitySuffix.none &&
                          type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.none) ||
                      (_.typeArguments[0].nullabilitySuffix ==
                              NullabilitySuffix.none &&
                          type.nullabilitySuffix ==
                              NullabilitySuffix.question) ||
                      (_.typeArguments[0].nullabilitySuffix ==
                              NullabilitySuffix.question &&
                          type.nullabilitySuffix ==
                              NullabilitySuffix.question)))))) {
    return true;

  if (_ is InterfaceType) {
    final superclass = _.superclass;
    if (superclass != null) {
      if (superclass.isXmlAnnotationXmlConverter(type: type)) {
        return true;

    for (final interface in _.interfaces) {
      if (interface.isXmlAnnotationXmlConverter(type: type)) {
        return true;

    for (final mixin in _.mixins) {
      if (mixin.isXmlAnnotationXmlConverter(type: type)) {
        return true;

  return false;