from static method

XmlDocument? from(
  1. String document, {
  2. bool parseCharacterEntities = true,
  3. bool parseComments = false,
  4. bool trimWhitespace = true,
  5. bool parseCdataAsText = true,

Parses a XML string for its XML document declaration, DocType declaration, and its root element.

If the document isn't valid XML and contains multiple top-level elements, only the first parsed element will be returned as the root element. If you have to work with such a document, consider using XmlElement's fromString() method instead.

If parseCharacterEntities is true, text and attribute values will be parsed for character entities and replaced with their corresponding characters.

If parseComments is true, commments will be scrubbed from string before parsing.

If trimWhitespace is true, unnecessary whitespace between nodes will be removed and all remaining whitespace will be replaced with a single space. trimWhitespace must not be null.

If parseCdataAsText is true, all CDATA sections will be returned as XmlText nodes. parseCdataAsText must not be null.

Returns null if the document is empty.


static XmlDocument? from(
  String document, {
  bool parseCharacterEntities = true,
  bool parseComments = false,
  bool trimWhitespace = true,
  bool parseCdataAsText = true,
}) {
  if (!parseComments) document = document.removeComments();
  if (trimWhitespace) document = document.trimWhitespace();
  document = document.trim();
  if (document.isEmpty) return null;

  final nodes = XmlNode.parseString(
    parseCharacterEntities: parseCharacterEntities,
    parseComments: true,
    trimWhitespace: false,
    parseCdataAsText: parseCdataAsText,

  if (nodes == null) return null;

  return XmlDocument(nodes);