xl library

A package that provides the XL widget to implement accelerometer and/or pointer and touch fueled parallax animations that smoothly transform their children according to a spatial, three-dimensional parallax layer definition.

  • The XL Stack can generate fluidly moving Layers comprised of other widgets whose positions and rotations correlate to either a pointer data or sensors data.
    • This distinction is made by XLayer vs PLayer
    • Whether the input methods cross-mingle is controlled by flag
XL.sharesPointer // default is true
XL.sharesSensors // default is false


A Layer in an XL. These by themselves are not Widgets.
A small abstract class with static constant List<double>s that refer to specific device orientations according to sensor data subtractions/compensations.
A parameter class that pertains to PLayers and their parallax animation during an active drag or pointer hover event.
A parameter class for customizing the intake of SensorEvent data.
A Layer in an XL. These by themselves are not Widgets.
A Widget that allows the definition of a stack of XLayers and/or PLayers and that will intrinsically animate them with a parallax effect based on sensor events (X) or pointer data (P).
A Layer in an XL. These by themselves are not Widgets.
A simple wrapper for the x & y values of the XL's reference position as doubles between 0..1.
A Widget that allows the definition of a stack of XLayers and/or PLayers and that will intrinsically animate them with a parallax effect based on sensor events (X) or pointer data (P).
A Layer in an XL. These by themselves are not Widgets.