xOnXCell_Before_Edit method

dynamic xOnXCell_Before_Edit(
  1. XCol xCol,
  2. dynamic value, {
  3. dynamic itemToSet,


xOnXCell_Before_Edit(XCol xCol, dynamic value, {dynamic itemToSet}) async {
  // FocusScope.of(context).unfocus();
  setState(() {
    xCells_EditAlert_Active ? enteredInEditOnCell = true : null;
    widget.key_Head = UniqueKey();
  // if (xCells_EditAlert_Active) {
  //   // schKey = UniqueKey();
  //   // key_Head = UniqueKey();
  // } else
  //   null; // or update the value for ValueKey
  // // });

  // schKey.currentState!.build(context);
  if (xEditDialog_liProps.isEmpty) {
    xEditDialog_EditCell = xCol.colCaption;
  } else {
    for (var i in xEditDialog_liProps) {
      xEditDialog_EditCell = " " + i.col_Label;

  if (isSchWeb.not() && (kIsWeb || isAndroid() || isIOS()) && widget.modePage_Active) {
    var x = await xEditDialog(itemToSet, xEditDialog_EditCell, value, xCol, btns_Active: widget.xEditDialog_BTNs_ForEditValue);
    if (x != null) {
      itemInEdit_Clone[xCol.colKey] = x;

  // setState(() {
  // setState(() {
  xCells_EditAlert_Active ? enteredInEditOnCell = false : null;
  if (xCells_EditAlert_Active) {
    widget.key_Head = UniqueKey();
    widget.key_BottomBar = UniqueKey();
    widget.key_AppBar = UniqueKey();
  } else
    null; // or update the value for ValueKey

  btnUpdateChangesShow = false;
  return () {};