loadMediaAndImage method

dynamic loadMediaAndImage()


loadMediaAndImage() async {
  if (widget.xMedia != null) {
    //carichiamo i payloads se uno รจ vuoto
    if (widget.xMedia!.payload == null) {
      await widget.loadMedia!(widget.xMedia);
    } else {}

    if (widget.xMedia!.payload != null) {
      widget.backImage = Image.memory(
        // height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height / 2,
        // width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 2,
    // var ii = widget.backImage.image as MemoryImage;

    if (widget.xMedia!.overlaySurface == null) {
      if (widget.xMedia!.payload != null) {
        _image = await createTransparentImage_fromPayLoad(widget.xMedia!.payload!);
      } else {
        _image = await createTransparentImage(widget.width!.toInt(), widget.height!.toInt());
    } else {
      _image = await _convertTo_UiImage(widget.xMedia!.overlaySurface!);
    if (_image == null) {
      throw ("Image couldn't be resolved from xMedia!.overlaySurface.");
    } else {
      isBusy = false;
  } else {
    // if (widget.payload == null) {
    _image = await createTransparentImage((widget.signature_Width?.toInt() ?? widget.width!.toInt()), (widget.signature_Height?.toInt() ?? widget.height!.toInt()));
    // } else {
    //   _image = await _convertTo_UiImage(widget.payload!);
    // }
    if (_image == null) {
      throw ("Image couldn't be resolved from xMedia!.overlaySurface.");
    } else {
      isBusy = false;

  _isLoaded.value = true;

  _controller.naturalSize = imageSize;
    mode: PaintMode.none,
    color: Colors.black,
  _textController = TextEditingController();
  _transformationController_Payload = TransformationController();
  _transformationController_Overlay = TransformationController();
  textDelegate = widget.textDelegate ?? TextDelegate();
  _isLoaded.value = true;

  if (widget.isNewNota) {
    modifiedActive = true;
  if (widget.readOnly) {
    modifiedActive = false;