XCol<T> class


XCol(String colKey, String colCaption, double width, XProp xmodelXprop, {int height = 0, int visPos = 0, int maxLenght = 0, String toolTip = "", int resizeStyle = 0, String format = "", bool readOnly = false, bool? sorted, bool multilines = false, bool hidden = false, double minWidth = 15, double maxWidth = 400, String headerToolTip = "", int visiblePosition = 0, bool summarize = false, int originX = 0, int originY = 0, int spanX = 0, int spanY = 2, Alignment labelTxtHAlign = Alignment.center, Alignment txtHAlign = Alignment.centerLeft})


actualWidth double
The actual display width of the column when auto fitted based on SfDataGrid.columnWidthMode or columnWidthMode.
no setterinherited
allowEditing bool
Decides whether cell should be moved into edit mode based on SfDataGrid.editingGestureType.
allowFiltering bool
Decides whether the UI filtering should be enabled for this column.
allowSorting bool
Decides whether user can sort the column simply by tapping the column header.
autoFitPadding EdgeInsets
The amount of space which should be added with the auto size calculated when you use SfDataGrid.columnWidthMode as ColumnWidthMode.auto or ColumnWidthMode.fitByCellValue or ColumnWidthMode.fitByColumnName option.
colCaption String
getter/setter pair
colKey String
getter/setter pair
columnName String
The name of a column.The name should be unique.
columnWidthMode → ColumnWidthMode
How the column widths are determined.
dataType Type
no setter
filterIconPadding EdgeInsetsGeometry
The amount of space which should be added with the filter icon
filterIconPosition → ColumnHeaderIconPosition
The position of the filter icon in the column headers. Typically, filter icon is placed next to sort icon.
filterPopupMenuOptions → FilterPopupMenuOptions?
Decides how the checked listbox and advanced filter options should be shown in filter popup.
format String
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headerToolTip String
getter/setter pair
height int
getter/setter pair
hidden bool
getter/setter pair
label Widget
The label of column header.
labelTxtHAlign Alignment
getter/setter pair
maximumWidth double
The maximum width of the column.
maxLenght int
getter/setter pair
maxWidth double
getter/setter pair
minimumWidth double
The minimum width of the column.
minWidth double
getter/setter pair
multilines bool
getter/setter pair
originX int
getter/setter pair
originY int
getter/setter pair
readOnly bool
getter/setter pair
resizeStyle int
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sorted bool?
getter/setter pair
sortIconPosition → ColumnHeaderIconPosition
The position of the sort icon in the column headers.
spanX int
getter/setter pair
spanY int
getter/setter pair
summarize bool
getter/setter pair
toolTip String
getter/setter pair
txtHAlign Alignment
getter/setter pair
visible bool
Whether column should be hidden.
visiblePosition int
getter/setter pair
visPos int
getter/setter pair
width double
The width of the column.
getter/setter pair
xmodelXprop XProp
getter/setter pair


getXDGCell(dynamic val) → DataGridCell
getXGCol() XGridColumn
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.