balanceOf method

Future<BigInt> balanceOf(
  1. String contractAdd,
  2. dynamic ownerAdd

Gets the balanceOf of the specified address. contractAddr : The address of the token. ownerAdd : The address to query the balance of.


Future<BigInt> balanceOf(String contractAdd, ownerAdd) async {
  final EthereumAddress contractAddr = EthereumAddress.fromHex(contractAdd);
  final contract = DeployedContract(
      ContractAbi.fromJson(abiString, 'XRC20'), contractAddr);
  final tokenBalanceOf = contract.function('balanceOf');
  final EthereumAddress ownerAddress = EthereumAddress.fromHex(ownerAdd);
  final balanceOf = await
      contract: contract, function: tokenBalanceOf, params: [ownerAddress]);
  final response = balanceOf[0].toString();
  final res = BigInt.parse(response);
  final x = pow(10, 18);
  final u = x.toString();
  final BigInt h = BigInt.parse(u);
  final y = res ~/ h;
  return (y);