showBS<T> method

PersistentBottomSheetController showBS<T>({
  1. required WidgetBuilder builder,
  2. Color? backgroundColor,
  3. double? elevation,
  4. ShapeBorder? shape,
  5. Clip? clipBehavior,

Shows a material design bottom sheet in the nearest material.Scaffold ancestor.

Equivalent to material.showBottomSheet.


material.PersistentBottomSheetController<T> showBS<T>({
  required material.WidgetBuilder builder,
  material.Color? backgroundColor,
  double? elevation,
  material.ShapeBorder? shape,
  material.Clip? clipBehavior,
}) {
  return material.showBottomSheet(
    context: this,
    builder: builder,
    backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
    elevation: elevation,
    shape: shape,
    clipBehavior: clipBehavior,