collectStyle method
Only attributes applied to all characters within this range are included in the result. Special case of no-selection at start of empty line: gets inline style(s) from preceding non-empty line.
Style collectStyle(int index, int len) {
var res = queryChild(index);
if (res.node == null) {
return const Style();
if (len > 0) {
return (res.node as Line).collectStyle(res.offset, len);
if (res.offset == 0) {
final current = (res.node as Line).collectStyle(0, 0);
while ((res.node as Line).length == 1 && index > 0) {
res = queryChild(--index);
// Get inline attributes from previous line (link does not cross line breaks)
final prev = (res.node as Line).collectStyle(res.offset, 0);
final attributes = <String, Attribute>{};
for (final attr in prev.attributes.values) {
if (attr.scope == AttributeScope.inline &&
attr.key != {
attributes[attr.key] = attr;
// Combine with block attributes from current line (exclude headers which apply only to the active line)
for (final attr in current.attributes.values) {
if (attr.scope == AttributeScope.block &&
attr.key != Attribute.header.key) {
attributes[attr.key] = attr;
return Style.attr(attributes);
final style = (res.node as Line).collectStyle(res.offset - 1, 0);
final linkAttribute = style.attributes[];
if (linkAttribute != null) {
if ((res.node!.length - 1 == res.offset) ||
(linkAttribute.value !=
(res.node as Line)
.collectStyle(res.offset, len)
?.value)) {
return style.removeAll({linkAttribute});
return style;