shimmer static method

WxAnimatedTextBuilder shimmer({
  1. required List<Color> colors,
  2. List<double>? stops,
  3. AlignmentGeometry begin = Alignment.topLeft,
  4. AlignmentGeometry end = Alignment.centerRight,
  5. TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
  6. AxisDirection direction = AxisDirection.right,
  7. BlendMode blendMode = BlendMode.srcATop,

Creates a transition builder specifically designed for creating a shimmering effect.

colors (required, List

stops (optional, List

begin (optional, AlignmentGeometry) : Defines the starting point of the shimmer gradient. Defaults to Alignment.topLeft.

end (optional, AlignmentGeometry) : Defines the ending point of the shimmer gradient. Defaults to Alignment.centerRight. This controls the direction of the shimmer animation.

tileMode (optional, TileMode) : Specifies how the gradient should be tiled if the child widget is larger than the gradient itself. Defaults to TileMode.clamp, which clamps the gradient to the edges of the child widget.

direction (optional, AxisDirection) : Defines the direction in which the shimmer animation moves. Defaults to AxisDirection.right, which means the shimmer moves from left to right.

blendMode (optional, BlendMode) : Determines how the shimmer gradient is blended with the child widget. Defaults to BlendMode.srcATop, which places the source color over the destination color.


static WxAnimatedTextBuilder shimmer({
  required List<Color> colors,
  List<double>? stops,
  AlignmentGeometry begin = Alignment.topLeft,
  AlignmentGeometry end = Alignment.centerRight,
  TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
  AxisDirection direction = AxisDirection.right,
  BlendMode blendMode = BlendMode.srcATop,
}) {
  return AnimatedRepeatable.shimmer(
    colors: colors,
    stops: stops,
    begin: begin,
    end: end,
    tileMode: tileMode,
    direction: direction,
    blendMode: blendMode,