copyWith method

WxTextTileStyle copyWith({
  1. double? spacing,
  2. EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin,
  3. TextAlign? align,
  4. Color? color,
  5. TextOverflow? overflow,
  6. bool? softWrap,
  7. TextWidthBasis? widthBasis,
  8. TextStyle? titleStyle,
  9. Color? titleColor,
  10. FontWeight? titleWeight,
  11. double? titleSize,
  12. int? titleMaxLines,
  13. TextStyle? subtitleStyle,
  14. Color? subtitleColor,
  15. FontWeight? subtitleWeight,
  16. double? subtitleSize,
  17. int? subtitleMaxLines,

Creates a copy of this WxTextTileStyle but with the given fields replaced with the new values.


WxTextTileStyle copyWith({
  double? spacing,
  EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin,
  TextAlign? align,
  Color? color,
  TextOverflow? overflow,
  bool? softWrap,
  TextWidthBasis? widthBasis,
  TextStyle? titleStyle,
  Color? titleColor,
  FontWeight? titleWeight,
  double? titleSize,
  int? titleMaxLines,
  TextStyle? subtitleStyle,
  Color? subtitleColor,
  FontWeight? subtitleWeight,
  double? subtitleSize,
  int? subtitleMaxLines,
}) {
  return WxTextTileStyle(
    spacing: spacing ?? this.spacing,
    margin: margin ?? this.margin,
    align: align ?? this.align,
    color: color ?? this.color,
    overflow: overflow ?? this.overflow,
    softWrap: softWrap ?? this.softWrap,
    widthBasis: widthBasis ?? this.widthBasis,
    titleStyle: titleStyle ?? this.titleStyle,
    titleColor: titleColor ?? this.titleColor,
    titleWeight: titleWeight ?? this.titleWeight,
    titleSize: titleSize ?? this.titleSize,
    titleMaxLines: titleMaxLines ?? this.titleMaxLines,
    subtitleStyle: subtitleStyle ?? this.subtitleStyle,
    subtitleColor: subtitleColor ?? this.subtitleColor,
    subtitleWeight: subtitleWeight ?? this.subtitleWeight,
    subtitleSize: subtitleSize ?? this.subtitleSize,
    subtitleMaxLines: subtitleMaxLines ?? this.subtitleMaxLines,