RawCheckmark constructor

  1. Key? key,
  2. double? progress,
  3. Color? color,
  4. double? weight,
  5. bool? rounded,
  6. bool? drawCross,
  7. bool? drawDash,
  8. double? size,

Creates a RawCheckmark widget.

The progress, color, weight, rounded, and size parameters allow customization of the checkmark's appearance.


  Key? key,
  double? progress,
  Color? color,
  double? weight,
  bool? rounded,
  bool? drawCross,
  bool? drawDash,
  double? size,
}) : super(
        key: key,
        size: size != null ? Size.square(size) : Size.zero,
        painter: CheckmarkPainter(
          progress: progress,
          color: color,
          weight: weight ?? (size != null ? size / 5 : 0),
          rounded: rounded,
          drawCross: drawCross,
          drawDash: drawDash,