createShapeBorder function

ShapeBorder createShapeBorder({
  1. ShapeBorder? borderShape,
  2. BorderRadius? borderRadius,
  3. BorderSide? borderSide,
  4. Color? borderColor,
  5. double? borderWidth,
  6. BorderStyle? borderStyle,
  7. double? borderOffset,

Creates a ShapeBorder based on the provided parameters.

This method constructs a ShapeBorder instance by combining and overriding properties from the given parameters. It supports various ShapeBorder types and allows customization of their appearance.

If borderShape is not provided, a RoundedRectangleBorder is used as the default.


  • borderShape: The base ShapeBorder to modify.
  • borderRadius: The overall border radius.
  • borderSide: The border side properties (color, width, style, stroke align).
  • borderColor: The border color.
  • borderWidth: The border width.
  • borderStyle: The border style.
  • borderOffset: The border offset.

Returns: The constructed ShapeBorder instance.


ShapeBorder createShapeBorder({
  ShapeBorder? borderShape,
  BorderRadius? borderRadius,
  BorderSide? borderSide,
  Color? borderColor,
  double? borderWidth,
  BorderStyle? borderStyle,
  double? borderOffset,
}) {
  borderShape ??= const RoundedRectangleBorder();

  if (borderShape is OutlinedBorder) {
    borderShape = borderShape.copyWith(
      side: borderShape.side
            color: borderSide?.color,
            width: borderSide?.width,
            style: borderSide?.style,
            strokeAlign: borderSide?.strokeAlign,
            color: borderColor,
            width: borderWidth,
            style: borderStyle,
            strokeAlign: borderOffset,

  if (borderShape is WxOutlinedBorder) {
    borderShape = borderShape.copyWith(
      color: borderColor,
      width: borderWidth,
      offset: borderOffset,

  if (borderShape is WxRectangleBorder) {
    borderShape = borderShape.copyWith(
      corners: borderRadius,

  if (borderShape is RoundedRectangleBorder) {
    borderShape = borderShape.copyWith(
      borderRadius: borderRadius,

  if (borderShape is BeveledRectangleBorder) {
    borderShape = borderShape.copyWith(
      borderRadius: borderRadius,

  if (borderShape is ContinuousRectangleBorder) {
    borderShape = borderShape.copyWith(
      borderRadius: borderRadius,

  return borderShape;