wpUserRemoveRole method

Future<WPUserRemoveRoleResponse> wpUserRemoveRole({
  1. required String role,
  2. String? userToken,

Sends a request to remove a role from a WordPress user. Include a valid userToken and role to send a successful request.

Returns a WPUserInfoUpdatedResponse future. Throws an Exception if fails.


Future<WPUserRemoveRoleResponse> wpUserRemoveRole(
    {required String role, String? userToken}) async {
  Map<String, dynamic> payload = {};
  payload["role"] = role;

  // send http request
  final json = await _http(
    method: "POST",
    url: _urlForRouteType(WPRouteType.UserRemoveRole),
    userToken: userToken,
    shouldAuthRequest: true,
    body: payload,

  // return response
  return _jsonHasBadStatus(json)
      ? this._throwExceptionForStatusCode(json)
      : WPUserRemoveRoleResponse.fromJson(json);