wcRegister method

Future<WPUserRegisterResponse> wcRegister({
  1. required String email,
  2. required String password,
  3. String? username,
  4. String? expiry,
  5. Map<String, dynamic>? args,
  6. bool saveTokenToLocalStorage = true,

Sends a request to register a user in WooCommerce with the following parameters username, email and password. You can optionally set an expiry for the token expiry like "+1 day".

Returns a WPUserRegisterResponse future. Throws an UsernameTakenException if username is taken InvalidNonceException if nonce token is not valid ExistingUserLoginException if user login exists ExistingUserEmailException if that email is in use UserAlreadyExistException if a user was found with the same email EmptyUsernameException if the username field has empty Exception if fails.


Future<WPUserRegisterResponse> wcRegister(
    {required String email,
    required String password,
    String? username,
    String? expiry,
    Map<String, dynamic>? args,
    bool saveTokenToLocalStorage = true}) async {
  // Get nonce from WordPress
  WPNonceResponse wpNonceResponse = await wpNonce();

  if (username == null) {
    username = (email.replaceAll(RegExp(r'([@.])'), "")) + _randomString(4);

  // Creates payload for register
  Map<String, dynamic> payload = {
    "email": email,
    "password": password,
    "username": username,
    "wc_register": true, // This is the key to register a user in WooCommerce
    "nonce": wpNonceResponse.data?.nonce,
    "args": args
  if (expiry != null) payload["expiry"] = expiry;

  // send http request
  final json = await _http(
    method: "POST",
    url: _urlForRouteType(WPRouteType.UserRegister),
    body: payload,

  // return response
  if (_jsonHasBadStatus(json)) {
    return _throwExceptionForStatusCode(json);
  WPUserRegisterResponse wPUserRegisterResponse =
  String? userToken = wPUserRegisterResponse.data?.userToken;

  if (userToken != null && saveTokenToLocalStorage) {
    WpUser wpUser = WpUser.fromWPUserRegisterResponse(wPUserRegisterResponse);
    await WPJsonAPI.wpLogin(wpUser);
  return wPUserRegisterResponse;