delayed<T> method

Future<T> delayed<T>([
  1. FutureOr<T> callback()?

Executes a callback function after the current duration has passed.

The callback is an optional function that returns a FutureOr<T>, allowing for both synchronous and asynchronous operations within the callback. If no callback is provided, the method simply waits for the duration to complete before resolving the returned Future.

The method returns a Future<T> which completes after the duration has elapsed and the callback (if provided) has finished executing.


Duration(seconds: 3).delayed(() {
  // This callback is executed after a delay of 3 seconds.
  return 'Result after delay';
}).then((result) {
  print(result); // Prints: 'Result after delay'


Future<T> delayed<T>([FutureOr<T> Function()? callback]) =>
    Future<T>.delayed(this, callback);