BuildContextExtension extension

A set of useful extensions for BuildContext.



focus FocusScopeNode
Returns the nearest FocusScopeNode instance for the current context.
no setter
hasMaterialL10n bool
Returns true if the current BuildContext has a MaterialLocalizations instance associated with it.
no setter
materialL10n MaterialLocalizations
Returns the MaterialLocalizations instance for the current context.
no setter
media MediaQueryData
Returns the nearest MediaQueryData instance for the current context.
no setter
messenger ScaffoldMessengerState
Returns the nearest ScaffoldMessengerState instance for the current context.
no setter
padding EdgeInsets
Returns the padding from the nearest MediaQueryData instance for the current context.
no setter
scaffold ScaffoldState
Returns the nearest ScaffoldState instance for the current context.
no setter
theme ThemeData
Returns the ThemeData instance for the current context.
no setter


showSnackBar(SnackBar snackBar) ScaffoldFeatureController<SnackBar, SnackBarClosedReason>
Shows a SnackBar at the bottom of the screen.