SealedWorldIterableIsoExtension<T extends IsoStandardized<Object>> extension

Extension on Iterable class to provide helper methods for working with IsoStandardized collections.



firstIsoWhere(bool test(T iso)) → T
The first IsoStandardized element satisfying test, or throws a StateError if no matching element is found.
firstIsoWhereCode(String code) → T
Returns the first IsoStandardized element in the collection that has the given regular code, or throws a StateError if no matching element is found.
firstIsoWhereCodeOther(String codeOther) → T
Returns the first IsoStandardized element in the collection that has the given regular codeOther, or throws a StateError if no matching element is found.
toIsoList() List<String>
Returns list of ISO codes from the collection of IsoStandardized objects.