WorldCountryDateTime extension

Provides extension methods for working with time zones and DateTime objects related to a WorldCountry object.



tzUtcDurations List<UtcDurationDifference>
Returns an unmodifiable list of UtcDurationDifference objects representing the time differences between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and the time zones in the timezones list of the WorldCountry object.
no setter

Static Methods

toAdd(String timezone) bool?
Returns a boolean indicating whether the given timezone string indicates an offset to add to UTC.
tzDuration(String timezone) Duration?
Returns a Duration object representing the offset from UTC indicated by the given timezone string.


minus → const String
The string for a negative UTC offset from the timezone.
plus → const String
The string for a positive UTC offset from the timezone.
timezoneValueLength → const int
The length of the string value for a timezone offset.
utcString → const String
The string representation of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).