pipelines property

List<ServerPipeline> pipelines

The handler pipelines.

To retrieve a pipeline by its name, use the pipeline method. Avoid using the list of pipelines directly.

This list is directly accessible because earlier versions of the framework allowed pipelines to be directly manipulated (e.g. creating new pipelines and appending them to the list). Now that the framework supports automatic registration via annotations, the need to directly manipulate a server's pipeline has greatly reduced. Therefore, directly manipulating the list of pipelines is discouraged; and a future release may make this list private.

This is a List of ServerPipeline that the request is processed through.

Normal List operations can be used on it. For example, to obtain the first pipeline (that the Server constructor creates by default):

var s = Server();
var firstPipeline = s.pipelines.first;

Or to add additional pipelines:

var p2 = Pipeline();


final List<ServerPipeline> pipelines = <ServerPipeline>[];