exceptionHandler property

ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler
getter/setter pair

Server exception/error handler (high-level).

If an exception occurs outside of a pipeline, or is not handled by the pipeline's exception handler, the exception is passed to this exception handler to process.

It is recommended for applications to set this exception handler, so it can produce error pages that are consistent with the application's theme. If an application uses multiple pipelines, it may also want to set individual exception handlers on some/all of them. An application may also set a low-level exception handler (using exceptionHandlerRaw).

If this exception handler is not changed or cannot be invoked, the low-level exception handler is used.

Ideally, this exception handler should not thrown an exception. But if it did, the low-level exception handler will handle it.

The server exception handler can be annotated with @ServerExceptionHandler().


ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler = _noExceptionHandler;